
Writing Tools Count the words you read or write. Just type or paste.

PicLit Create an inspired picture writing.

MeetingWords is a simple text editor for the web.Your text is saved on the web, and more than one person can edit the same document at the same time. Everybody's changes are instantly reflected on all screens.Work together on meeting notes, brainstorming sessions, homework, team programming and more!  The first iPhone text message screenshot generator.

Language Tool Style and Grammar Check Check your grammar before handing in your essays and written assignments.

Rewordify  Understand what you read. Simplify texts.

Simplish, very much like the previous one. Convert Standard English into Basic English. It also summarizes longish texts. 

Festisite Create money, a deck of cards, or well-known logos. Turn plain text into a maze, the shape of a heart, or is a rebus more for you?

Printing Press  is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers.

Loose Leaves for thoughts that don't have a home. Write and share.

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